Sunday, June 28, 2009

Working place..part time job~

Since i gt one month semester break holiday,i decided to spend my holidays with part time job...i choose to work at my uncle contruction company as Site Assistant Supervisor. gain lotta experience and the contruction words tat i dunno b4...headache me..xD~ Kuala Gula,Parit Buntar and Kuala Kurau are the places that i need to work at...three nice places...fisherman villages tat famous in Perak.

Kuala Kurau work place.

Parit Buntar work place.-------------------------->

Kuala Gula work place.

Bangladesh worker.
The only one female worker indon...She quite banyak cakap ..tak boleh tahan her sometimes
My site supervisor doing his job.

His name Ah Boy,Budak Kampong yang tau cakap HOKKIEN!..not bad hor...

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Isit Anwar guitly??

Anwar: We are ready!