Saturday, May 16, 2009

My breakfast + Lunch~

Ingredients = Flour +Eggs + Sugar + Salt + water
I've learned this cookies from my mum...
I love to eat it...
but i have no idea wat is the name for this cookies..
My mum always called it as "煎TEH"...
It was taste really good..since my mum was childhood time,my grandma used to cook this for her children(Uncle & Aunties) for breakfast or lunch~


Coral-Production said...

when we form 5...i go ur house one morning n eat one time b4 ^_^

TommyNg said...

Oh really??...u still remembered ar..i 4get ady..hahahaha...nice right??..wana eat again?..come to my house ..haha

IG said...

Hi here...tommy,how r u now?
i'm sy chin..^^

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Isit Anwar guitly??

Anwar: We are ready!