At last, one of the superbike drove to cut my car...right on infront of my car..i can't do anything except BANG him!..but i didnt do tat..finally i've stopped my car...and open my window... Tat guy said :"KAMI POLIS...Kenapa tak berhenti?!!!"...i repied:"Mana kad kuasa Polis? i gona believe them are Police???,they showed me and im stil not believe mayb the Kad Kuasa also fake!..."Fake Police with Fake Kad Kuasa" this thinking in my mind
I said i wana go to Police Station now..i won't stop at there and let u check me.. I won't gv u my I.C card also... Okies,now deal with them..they escort my car to IPD Daerah Timur Laut..fuckin big police station..old headquater of Penang Police Station...
They checked my car everything and scold us impolitely...tat we're not believe them are Police...we've been dragged into the office of CID...being "SAIKO" and "SAIKO"...but..finally,they din take any action on we are innocent~...wat they wan to charge us?? wat laws??...WAKAKAKAKA... OUR plan movie mood to lepak around dy...we went back after tat...END STORY~
Conclusion: Malaysian Police not professional force team...They like to do watever they like... missuse of power... citizen failed to gain protection from Police nowadays..
Totally agree wad u say...
but need to tell u,
Night at the Museum 2 is nice and damn funny~~
i jz watched it yesterday...
seriously laugh like hell man~~
go n watch it!!
I created this blog since last year i guess..
i oso forgot jor..
y u doesn't have chat box de?
go and add one la...
mau chat pun senang sikit ma..
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